Monday, September 30, 2019

India and Southeast Asia, 1500 B.C.E.-600 C.E.

Ashley Thompson AP World History Ms Thurgood,1-3 Chapter 6: India and Southeast Asia, 1500 B. C. E. -600 C. E. P: *Around 1000 B. C. E the people were divided into kinship groups while the kings ruled over the tribes. Later under the Kings were military and civil officials, which dealt with records, income of the government and custom duties. During the Gupta empire there was a rather decentralized administration unlike the Mauryan Empire. *Brahmans and warriors were at the highest point in the Hierarchy and there were structural laws based on the caste system. Rulers in Southeast Asia used their Indian knowledge and personnel to increase their power. E: *Heavy taxes were imposed on common people during the Gupta Empire. India traded extensively with South East and East Asia. *One’s economic status in India could be compared to that of a capitalist society. This is because of the belief in reincarnation, and that whoever you were in your last life determined who you were in yo ur next life. These reincarnations were placed into a caste and whichever caste you were placed in depicted your social and economic status.Who you were and what you did depicted your well being. * The Funan (SE Asia) society was able to take control over the trade route between India and China by extending control over most of Indochina and the Malay Peninsula. R: *There was a spread and development of belief systems such as Vedism, Buddhism, Jainism, and Hinduism. *There were many religious texts such as: Mahabharata- The vast epic of the events leading up to a battle between kinship groups in early India.Bhagavad-Gita: A dialogue between the great warrior Arjuna and the god Krishna about the fate of the spirit. Vedas: Religious texts communicated orally by Brahmin priests that were eventually written down and are the main source of about the Vedic period. *Buddha played a major role in the spread of Buddhism, as he was the founder. S: *Class and Caste: The varna/jati was the main categories of social identity. The Varna contained the 4 major social divisions: Brahmin, Kshatriya, Vaishya, and Shudra.Underneath these were the Untouchables who were excluded from the class system. The jati were the regional groups of people who had common occupancy who generally interacted with the people from their group. *In terms with the patriarchal society women had little rights. In the Gupta Empire moreso women lost their rights to own and inherit property, and were banned from studying sacred texts and participate in sacrificial rituals. They also were married at a very early age. Some women escaped male control by joining Jainist and Buddhist communities. COT: Although women were never viewed as on the same level socially as men, their rights declined dramatically between 320 C. E. -550 C. E. I: *ca. 1500 B. C. E. there was a migration of Indo-European people into northwest India. There were interactions between Asia and India through trade. * In SE Asia Indian culture was received, what was useful to them was extracted and put into beliefs and values. A: Many statues, sculptures, and temples were built to honor Hindu deities and also to honor Buddha. important points: *ca. 500 B. C. E. – Siddhartha Gautama founds Buddhism; Mahavira founds Jainism. This is important because this was the beginning of two very important and influential religions of this time. *ca. 1500 B. C. E. – Migration of Indo-European people into northwest India. This was important because these people brought in outside influences, and they also started the prejudice of the Dasas by the Aryans, which led to the caste system. *550 C. E. – Collapse of the Gupta Empire.This was important because this was the end of an empire of poor economy and low status of women. Vocabulary *moksha: The Hindu concept of the spirit’s â€Å"liberation† from the endless cycle of rebirths. * â€Å" Great Vehicles† branch of Buddhism that focuses on reveren ce for Buddha and for bodhisattvas, enlightened people who have postponed nirvana to help others attain enlightenment. *Theravada Buddhism: â€Å"Way of the elders† branch of Buddhism that downplays the importance of the gods and emphasizes the individual’s search for enlightenment. Tamil Kingdoms: The kingdoms of southern India, inhabited primarily by speakers of Dravidian languages, which developed in partial isolation, that produced epics, poetry, and performance arts. *Funan: An early complex society in Southeast Asia between the 1st and 6th centuries C. E. It was centered in the rice-growing region of southern Vietnam. Comparative thesis: Although both India and Southeast Asia between 1500 B. C. E-300C. E. had apparent religion, India had a more structured system, while in Asia there was a more open influence on religion.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Adolescence Sex in Malaysia

Sex was a taboo subject in Malaysian family. The ideal culture of Malaysian especially the Malays is to have their young girls to practice abstinence and to abstain themselves from sex until marriage. Promiscuity and prostitution is often described as mores to the culture. However, globalization has made the society exposed to the outside world and the world is facing the unavoidable global increment in adolescence sex. The subject ‘sex’ itself has become an anomie amongst the youngsters. The highly sexualized world and the physical and psychological changes the adolescents are going through make up the push and pull factors luring the adolescents into sex. The rate at which teenagers are engaging themselves in sexual relationships is increasing at an alarming rate. Whether as an act of rebellion against social and religious norms or even their parents; discovery and exploring of one’s body and sexuality; seeking pleasure for comfort; sexual crimes; sexual activity among young men and women in Malaysia is a fact and part of today’s real culture. The Adolescent Sexual Reproductive Health 2003 reported by the National Population and Family Development Board (LPPKN) indicate that 27 percent of adolescents (boys and girl) engaging with the premarital sex. Young men have been found to actively looking for sex workers for their first sex experience and individual as early as nine years old. Most promiscuity and prostitution involved adolescence from 15 to 17 years of age. Nevertheless, adolescents aged 12 to 14 years old also involved in the same activity with the portion of 13. percent (Harlina Halizah Siraj & Noralina Omar, 2007). The most current study, called the National Survey on Reproductive and Sexual Health and Rights of Women in Malaysia held in 2006, had polled more than 2,000 female youths aged 15 to 24 years across nine states. It was commissioned by the Ministry of Women, Family and Community Development Ministry, and carried out by researchers in Universiti Malaya. â€Å"Out of the 2,005 girls surveyed, slightly more than 100 admitted to being sexually active. Of that number, one-fifth said they had sex more than five times a week, and 57 per cent had sex two to four times a week. †(New Straits Times, 2009) The Consequences Sexual relationship to some adolescent is highly â€Å"commoditized† and has no emotional intimacy. Adolescents also involve in homo-sexual and bi-sexual relationships. What is more damaging is that adolescence sex is very often found associated with drugs and alcohol. Sexual crimes and abuses involving adolescent are also reported at very high rate. 63 percent of rape victim and 9. percent of the assailant are adolescents. The rise in adolescence sex also contributed too many unwanted pregnancies, babies dumping and abortions. Reported by one of the shelter homes in Klang Valley, 61. 3 percent of the adolescence sex case resulted in unwanted pregnancies (Harlina Halizah Siraj & Noralina Omar, 2007). These will lead to other crimes such as theft, robbery or even murder due to pressures in live due to povert y and life survival. Moreover, the rate of STDs and STIs (Sexual Transmitted Diseases/Infections) among adolescent are surprisingly increasing. Apart from that, we have also heard about adolescent committing suicide resulting from pregnancies which are not accepted by the family and as a solution to avoid negative social perspective. Despite of all that, there are also good news about precautious knowledge of the mechanics of sex. There are grown in numbers of adolescents who know how to protect themselves, at least physically, from sexual criminals and rapist. The level of awareness is also increasing in terms of protecting themselves from STDs and unwanted pregnancies. Even if they have had sex, many adolescents are learning to put off having more till later; they are also making condom use during intercourse nonnegotiable. The rate of incest also decline also due to this awareness and the ability to protect themselves. Who to blame? When adolescences are exposed to the western culture where pre-marital sex is a norm via the media, it is easy enough to blame everything on media; television and entertainment, even the news. Adolescent heard about the politician sex-scandals on the news and argues about the example that the eaders have shown. For better or for worse, sex-filled television helps shape young opinion. Kids are picking up the first details of sex even in Saturday-morning cartoons. Not to mention the content of the TV through advertisements like Durex and perfumes displaying erotic positions and pictures, and also TV series, such as Gossip Girl, 90201 Beverly Hills, and The O. C. which have large amount of sexual approach and sadly these series targeted-audiences are the adolescents. To add insult to the injury, adolescents lip-synched often enough to big hit songs which have the sex nestled in the lyric. The cyber-world not only provides an easy source of sexually explicit materials but also allows curious adolescence minds to interact and exchange ideas. The internet made it so easy that the adolescents just have to Google ‘sex’ or ‘free porn’, and they can find tons of information to sex. The print-media is not excluded in being blamed for putting contents in their magazine with headlines like â€Å"How to Satisfy Your Man in Bed† or â€Å"Condom or no Condom†. In May 2004 the Ministry of Education and Ministry of Women, Family and Community Development jointly formed a committee as a springboard for the long-awaited implementation of sex education in schools. And finally in May 2005, a press release stated that the sex education module was almost ready and due to be discussed in Cabinet. But until today, we have not heard back from the government or Cabinet regarding the discussion. Government should see this as a big social issue which involves morality development of the citizen. Government participation in overcoming this issue will somehow will decrease the rate of sexual crimes. Three powerful sources have shaped today’s child prodigies: a prosperous information age that increasingly promotes products and entertains audiences by titillation; aggressive public-policy initiatives that loudly preach sexual responsibility, further desensitizing kids to the subject; and the decline of two-parent households, which leave the adolescents with little supervision. With little guidance from grownups, adolescents have had to discover for themselves that the ubiquitous sexual messages must be tempered with caution and responsibility. Traditionally, it’s been the role of parents to convey the messages about love and intimacy that kids seem to be missing in their education about sex. For years, psychologists and sociologists have warned about a new generation gap, one created not so much by different morals and social outlook as by career-driven parents, the economic necessity of two incomes leaving parent little time for talks with their children. These adolescents think that their parents are the most accurate source of information and would like to talk to them more about sex and sexual ethics but can’t get their attention long enough. Plus with the rate of divorce that is increasing day by day, adolescent’s thinks of that it is such a hassle getting married, alternatively practice sex before marriage. Of all the mixed messages that teenagers absorb, the most confused have to do with gender roles. The stereotypes of male and female behavior have crumbled so quickly over the past generation that parents are at a loss. According to the TIME/CNN poll, 60% of parents tell their daughters to remain chaste until marriage, but less than half tell their sons the same thing. Kids reflect the double standard: more than two-thirds agree that a boy who has sex sees his reputation enhanced, while a girl who has sex watches hers suffer. † (TIME Magazine, 1993). Adolescents usually have sex out of curiosity of peer pres sure – and the internet makes it easy to do so. By the time many kids hit adolescence, they have already reached a point where they are not particularly obsessed with sex but have grown to accept the notion that solid courtships, or at least strong physical attraction – potentially lead to sexual intercourse. While exploration and experimentation are a natural part of the development, someone usually older, will somehow unintentionally or intentionally encouraging adolescent to become interested in sex. As an example to that, adolescent learn from the media which exposed ‘sex-stimulants’ contents such as promiscuous celebrities, suggestive television programs and sex advertisements, and it seems to be coming down to younger and younger girls who feel that if they don’t pair up with up with the culture, they will have no position in their lives. And that will pressure them into sexual activity. They will also physically trying to imitate the look of celebrities and adults in choosing what to wear and live their life styles. Nowadays, it is increasingly common for sexuality precocious youngsters to come from very loving and stable family. The concept of ideal family is being able to accommodate all the wants and needs that the adolescent need. These reflect the id and ego in the adolescent personality. When id and ego has been fulfilled, then the super-ego in young minds will drive them into the culture of free life style which would lead to sex. In conclusion, all these agents of socializations involved in contributing the rise in number of our young people to involve in adolescence sex. The power of overcoming this problem also lies within their hands. Sex Education In facing the fact that our young people are having their first sexual experience at very young age and have a shallow understanding of STDs and contraceptives, we have to consider applying sex education into part of educating adolescent. Sex education is not only about the mechanics of sex but also learning how to respect our bodies and one another. It need not encourage promiscuity, but properly taught can encourage abstinence till marriage. Age-appropriate science based education should be taught to young kids. If sex education is going to be effective it needs to include opportunities for young people to develop skills, as it can be hard for them to act the basis of only having information. Starting from the primary group, adolescents can easily have one-to-one discussions with their parents or careers which focus on specific issues, questions or concerns at home. Sex education at home also tends to take place over a long time, and involve lots of short interactions between parents and children. In school, the interaction between the teacher and students takes a different form and it is often provided in organized blocks of lessons. School programs which involve parents, notifying them what is being taught and when, can support the initiation of dialog at home. Sex education also can be incorporated into other subjects taught to the students such as moral studies, Islamic Studies, Health Studies, Science and Biology. The involvement of adolescents themselves in developing and providing sex education has increased as a means of ensuring the relevance and accessibility of provision. For example, Raymas Quah led 250 students from five secondary schools, during the Youth Abstinence Walk at Millennium Park in SS2 in 2007. The students first attended a four-hour abstinence workshop in their schools, developed by Focus on the Family Malaysia (FOFM). The non-governmental organization was originally set up in the United States in 1977 to restore values to the family unit. (The New Straits Times Press, 2007) Consultation with adolescents at the point when programs are designed, helps to ensure that they model attitudes and behaviors to their peers.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

The good, the bad, and the ugly Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

The good, the bad, and the ugly - Essay Example These evil things come in different ways, including, ethnicity, race, corruption, sex discrimination, drug abuse and even physical appearance. Occurrences of the wrong doing and evil things in To Kill a Mockingbird further maturity of Scout’s into a young woman. Representation of Evil according to Plato Plato must have had the love for art work since he talks about them often in his work. He was also perfect in literature style and story-telling; history has it that he was a poet before he met Socrates and became a philosopher. His influence on the western culture is enormous as shown in his work, and this includes Art work and its theories (Ife 30). He also provides a thought-experiment that is shown to teach human beings most of ideas on human nature, and this include our own. When Plato, through his character Glaucon, was discussing the definition of justice with the Socrates, they both try to give their best definitions (Ife 31). Socrates through his character Thrasymachus explains that justice is when the stronger in the society hold their interest, while the young Glaucon argues that more by questioning the commitment of human beings to justice. This story is portrayed as thought-experiment to human beings. ... As a tradition, Gyges was working for the king as a shepherd, and one day there was a strong storm followed by continuous earthquake, which made an opening in the earth at the same spot where Gyges was grazing his flock (Stewart & Levy 198). He jumped into the opening, and to his surprise he saw a body which appeared more than human to him than a stature and it had a glittering gold ring on it. When the shepherds met together to send their monthly report to the king, he became invisible and the other began speaking of him feeling he was not present. Through his powers, he was chosen as a messenger who was being sent to the court, to try and manage to seduce the queen. Moreover he conspired against the king and took over the kingdom (Stewart & Levy 198). This story of the magic ring is important to human beings as it shows what we can do when we acquire power. If it is true that Plato’s allegory of the ring is right, then we should watch consciously when we get power over other s. This mostly relates to politicians whom we give powers, with the expectation that they will do what is right to us (Stewart & Levy 198). Representation of evil in â€Å"To kill a mocking the bird† To kill a mocking bird explores human morality in the world, shows a perfect conversation in relation to evilness of human beings and inherent goodness. The novel approaches this by dramatizing Scout and Jem at their childhood age. They tend to believed that people are good on earth before they see evil, and transform at the adult stage when they have confronted evil (Bloom 95). In our world today we face numerous things in several forms, including racism, social inequality, discrimination of sex and even physical appearance. The occurrences of the bad and ugly in To kill a mocking

Friday, September 27, 2019

Visiting a church Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Visiting a church - Research Paper Example And the first time I bothered to read said â€Å"judgment must begin at the house of God,† apparently my good friend and neighbor is a staunch member of the church. We planned to visit the church but didn’t reveal any of my motives to him. We were to visit the church on a normal Sunday service on 20th April, 2012. This date was convenient in some way as it was â€Å"Easter Sunday† my neighborhood friend was going to provide me with all the information that I needed as he had a lot of faith in me and he perceived me as if I was going to join the church, and become part of the staunch congregation like him. Roman Catholic Church was located and planted as a traditional charismatic/evangelical congregation in the mid-1980s. By late 1990s the congregation had taken on what is commonly known as â€Å"seeker sensitive† model of doing church. I noticed that the demographic of Roman Catholic Church was primarily suburban, Caucasian, middle class individuals and families ranging in age from twenty to fifty year olds. Roman Catholic Church is part of the denomination that was birthed in the midst of the Church Growth Movement in the late 1970. I also observed that the church relates to the community in a good manner. The community at large felt affiliated so much to the church because as my neighbor friend told me, the church is a place of solution to human’s problem, and agency providing answers in specific contexts, not only spiritually, but politically, socially and otherwise. Roman Catholic Church has attracted all sort socio-economic classes. It was evident during my visit to the church that all form of classes is represented in the congregation from the upper, middle, and low class. Some sporty automobiles that were present at the parking lot were evident that there was upper class, and some of the congregation did not have any cars they either walked or used a public means to

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Iraq Christian Immigration Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Iraq Christian Immigration - Assignment Example It is important to denote that in the current century, the social media is an important method of expressing oneself, and it has the capability of reaching a wide range of people. On this basis, the government and other religious organizations need to use the social media in preaching the message of peace, and discouraging sectarian as well religious violence. One of the long term methods of solving the immigration issue in Iraq is through education. That is educating children in primary, secondary and university institutions on the need of maintaining religious tolerance. It is essential for the government to revise the laws that promote religious intolerance, For instance, the constitution of Iraq provides that the official religion of Iraq is Islam, and therefore no law shall contradict the provisions and laws of Islam. This constitution is therefore discriminative to other religions such as Christianity in Iraq. However, Kerr (635) disagrees on this notion, and explains that in as much as the constitution of Iraq provides for an Islamic state; it also allows freedom of practicing religious beliefs, conscious, as well as freedom of thought. However, due to violence in the Iraq provinces it has been difficult to protect this right of Iraq, and hence leading to immigration of Christians from Iraq, to other neighboring countries. It is therefore essential for the government to seek the assistance of the international community in restoring law and order in areas where there is violence.

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Same sex marriage Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Same sex marriage - Research Paper Example Married couples also pay less in taxes and receive many other social and financial benefits. But because gay couples are legally prevented from marrying, they are excluded from receiving the same considerations that married heterosexual couples enjoy. This paper will more closely examine the benefits denied gay couples as well as the political and legal implications involved with the issue. It will conclude with a discussion involving one of the main non-religious based reasoning’s that those who oppose of gay marriage espouse, the affect of this type of living arrangement on the children of the relationship. Advocates of non-traditional marriage argue that there is no constitutional basis for denying legal matrimony to gay couples. The Constitution not only legitimizes gay marriage but implies that the government should never have considered a ban and should instead actively pursue legalizing gay marriage. As citizens of the United States, all people are guaranteed the inalie nable right to pursue happiness. It does not exclude on the basis of sexual preference. The government was originally formed as an entity meant to champion the rights of the individual whether they are on the majority or minority side of public opinion. Laws that were enacted in the South disallowed the marriage between black and white people but were struck down by the Supreme Court. In 1964, the Civil Rights Act followed the tenets of the Constitution by prohibiting this type of discrimination. The opposition to gay marriage is based on prejudice and, as time passes, the concept will become more and more accepted. It, like racial prejudice, will become socially abhorrent (Sullivan, 2000). In addition, the disallowing of gay marriage by legislation violates the Due Process Clause of the Fifth Amendment.   According to the American Civil Liberties Union, â€Å"The law [against same-sex marriage] discriminates on the basis of sex because it makes one's ability to marry depend on o ne's gender.† The ACLU continues by saying, â€Å"Classifications which discriminate on the basis of gender must be substantially related to some important government purpose. Tradition by itself is not an important government purpose† (American Civil Liberties Union, 1996, pp. 14-15). In 1997, the General Accounting Office reported that heterosexual married couples enjoyed more than 1000 benefits and protections. These marriage incentives range from survivor benefits through Social Security, the ability to take sick leave from work to care for a sick partner, federal and state tax breaks and veteran and insurance benefits. They also include things like â€Å"family discounts, obtaining family insurance through your employer, visiting your spouse in the hospital and making medical decisions if your partner is unable to† (Belge, 2006). Following the enactment of the Defense of Marriage Acts (DOMA), an amendment added to many states’ constitutional definitio n of marriage, many lawsuits have been filed all over the country against local and state governments whether or not they offer health insurance and other benefits to their employees’ unmarried domestic partners. DOMA prohibits the state governments from providing benefits to a dependent in a relationship that does not comply with the state’

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Fund raising research assignment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Fund raising research assignment - Essay Example no volunteer system despite being known for its charitable and volunteer work while the University of Cincinnati does not list volunteers as directly assisting in fund raising on their websites, but they were highlighted in foundation advertisement on other sites like Facebook and Youtube. The University of Oregon does not offer member benefits online like the University of Cincinnati does, where donors get free parking, library privileges discounts on university bookstore, recognition at annual Honor Roll of Donors, complimentary classes, and special invitation to special events. The Michigan State University is so different from both the University of Oregon and Cincinnati though the former has a gift level system, too. The annual gifts of Michigan State University are presidents club, Beaumont Tower Society, John A. Hannah Society, Jonathan L. Snyder society and Theophilus C. Abbot Society. Michigan state university is different from the other two universities since volunteers are the main contributors to their fund-raising, and the institution has a calling program run by volunteers. This program is important since it is a student led voice, and it is used to build strong relationships with alumni. On top of that, Michigan State University organizes events which supplement their annual fund-raising: Broad Art Museum event, Secchia Center event and Corporate Alumni event. There is a big gap between a university and a high school in terms of resources. In that regard, there was a big difference between the high school I researched and the research on the three universities. I believe that the high school could largely benefit from implementing some of the procedures that these universities have. Some of the programs this high school will have to implement include building a school website. The website will enable the alumni to get more information about what the schooling is aiming to achieve, reminisce and stay connected to the community and the high school.

Monday, September 23, 2019

Human Rights Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1

Human Rights - Essay Example Articles published within the convention contain numerous provisions meant to govern the conduct of state offices and authorities in relation to individuals and the society at large (Smith 65). After finalizing all articles in the convention, appropriate legal systems took over as the guardians of human rights; hence are responsible for conducting legal contentions relating to the conventions’ provisions. In this context, the Inter-American Court of Human Rights poses as a judicial body responsible for oversight and advocating for acknowledgment of human rights within American societies. In this essay, we will appraise one illustrative case conducted under the jurisdiction of Inter-American Court of Human Rights. In late 2005, the Inter-American Court of Human Rights (IACHR) started hearing a case of Atala Riffo and Daughters Vs Chile. The case was an appeal on a prior ruling by a Chilean court system concerning child custody. In early 2005, Chilean legal system accorded full child custody to a father of three daughters within a divorced family setting. The earlier decision resulted from the consideration that the daughters’ mother had a non-conventional sexual orientation, thus will not deserve the custody of her daughters. In 2012, IACHR gave out a verdict, which ruled in favor of the daughters’ mother. ... IACHR said that American Convention provides detailed and positive rights awarded to people belonging to non-conventional sexual orientations. In this case, the Chilean government went contrary to provisions of the convention in establishing its early ruling. With respect to the case on Atala Riffo and Daughters Vs Chile, Chilean court violated the law regarding sexual orientation envisaged within the American Convention on Human Rights. Within chapter 2, article 24 of the American convention, every American citizen should receive equal treatment before the law (Schutter 45). The provision emphasizes that all individuals, irrespective of gender or sexual orientation remains equal under the law. In addition, the article postulates that the state shall not direct any discrimination towards any individual; hence all people deserve equal protection of the law (Schutter 52). In addition, the other provision violated is found in chapter 2, article 10 of the American Convention on Human Rig hts. This provision states that every individual has a right to proportional compensation from damages suffered after a court sentence, in which the final verdict resulted from a miscarriage of justice. Finally, the third provision violated by Chilean court is regarding the rights of Children. According to article 19 of the American Convention on Human Rights, every child has a right to be heard, both at family and state levels, in order to determine whether the child has been injured by an act under deliberation (Schutter 61). With respect to Chilean Supreme court ruling, Atala, who is the lesbian mother of three daughters, received direct discrimination as a result of her sexual orientation. Chapter 24 explicitly asserts that all individuals are subject to equal treatment under

Sunday, September 22, 2019

ERP Systems Essay Example for Free

ERP Systems Essay 1.Explain the conditions or circumstances that would lead a company to use the IWM features available within SAP ERP. What capabilities does IWM add to the features available within the Sales and Distribution, Materials Management, and Production Planning and Execution areas of SAP ERP? The conditions and circumstances that would lead a company to use the IWM features available within SAP ERP are due to increased cost pressure, higher customer expectations, shorter cycles of innovation and high differentiation of consumer goods within the same industry. Additionally, customers are demanding more efficient ways of delivery. IWM features are able to improve timeliness and flexibility of deliveries. IWM has the capabilities to support increasingly complex supply chains. There are many capabilities provided within the Sales and Distribution, Materials Management, and Production Planning and Execution areas. Some capabilities include the ability to track orders and inventory in real time, display inventory value, control the movement of goods internally between plants, initiate the transfer of goods, and creating sales orders pertaining to materials management and warehouse management. Additionally, running bin status reports of goods in the warehouse, purchasing/selling goods internally by STOs and controlling the fulfillment process. 2.What is the purpose of using a stock transport order? Why would a stock transport order be used rather than an ordinary stock transfer, or a combination of sales order (sending plant) and purchase order (receiving plant)? The purpose of a stock transport order (STO) is to request materials from another plant within the same company code instead of procuring the material from a normal vendor. Hence, one plant is purchasing materials from another plant that sells the materials. Additionally, the IWM process is triggered by the STO from the manufacturing facility to a warehouse managed storage location. STOs are more complex in nature and can be performed with deliveries, without deliveries, and with deliveries and billing. A STO would be used instead of a â€Å"purchase order.† This is due to the plant purchasing goods from the other plant as a transport under the same company code. A purchase order is purchasing goods/materials from a normal vendor, not a plant within the same company code. The same reasoning applies to the sales order. The sending plant is sending goods/materials to their customers, not a plant within the same company code. As for a stock transfer, they are used to transfer materials within a company from one location to another. Movements include within one plant, between plants, and etc†¦Stock transfers are a simple way of moving goods, not internal purchasing/selling of goods like STOs.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

The Bob Knowlton Case Study Essay Example for Free

The Bob Knowlton Case Study Essay Summary Bob Knowlton is the head of the Photon Lab when a new member, Simon Fester, was introduced to his lab. He begins to feel inferior to his new member and feels that he cannot voice his concerns to his superior, Dr. Jerold. After a period of events and insecurities, he finds a better position with more salary and takes the job immediately. Dr, Jerrold and Fester were shocked by Knowlton’s decision. The lab took a large hit as Fester went on to work on another project as planned. No one knew that Knowlton wanted to leave as he did so very suddenly citing fictional personal problems. Analyze the roles of those involved The main characters in the Bob Knowlton case were: Bob Knowlton the team leader of Photon Lab collaborative team leader hard working man confidence easily wavered by insecurities does not voice out problems Dr. Jerrold the supervisor of Bob Knowlton and his team has very high expectations of those working under her not observant no instinctual perception Simon Fester a new comer to the company and Photon Lab confident aggressive competitive opportunist highly intelligent non paticipative Discuss the reasons as to why what happened happened. The bringing in the newcomer: Bob Knowlton was threatened by the newcomer that was not properly introduced to him Fester just showed up without warning and began looking into things Dr. Jerold did not introduce Fester did not even for mention or hint at Knowlton for possibly having someone new join his team Simon Fester lacked tact and the human touch was too confident and arrogant to accept the way people do things and embrace it The communication breakdown: Bob Knowlton did not voice his queries or insecurities simply assumed that Fester was there to replace him did not consider speaking to his supervisor regarding his problem and started looking for another job instead Dr. Jerold did not indicate that Festers place in Knowltons team was temporary did not give earlier warning regarding Festers transfer to another project did not make any intentions of caring for Knowltons well being Simon Fester too much of an opportunist to work in a team with others did not heed the advice of whom was rightfully his team leader remained individualistic and closed off to the team until he left to work for another project Consider the personalities involved, especially those of Knowlton and Fester, and the organizational characteristics. Bob Knowlton was more of an introvert. He did not share his feelings,opinions and conflicts with his team mates, Fester or Jerold. He lacked also lacked of strong of communication skills. He did not know how to voice his concerns to Jerold or properly inform an guide Fester on his responsibilities in the team, which lead to Fester doing his own thing most of the time, without consulting with others. Simon Fester on the other hand was someone very self involved and confident. He had no qualms speaking openly of his ideas and what he wanted to do. Fester was also aggressive in his approach. He did not care for group work and was more individualistic, even to the point of making others feel inferior. Organizational characteristic: Work Group Knowlton had regular morning meetings with his members as a way to keep up to date of what was going on in the project, and discuss problems faced. However, Fester took over some of these meetings plastering himself as the team leader, and spear heading discussions, undermining Knowltons authority and the intelligence of the team at many an occasion. Open System Jerrold and Knowlton shared a mostly open relationship, Knowlton even mentioned that he enjoyed Jerold coming over to talk to him at the end of  the day. However, Knowlton did not share his problems with his superior when he had the chance of voicing them; mainly when he felt threatened by Fester’s place in the team. Imagine yourself in the position of Dr. Jerrold at the end of the case, reflecting back over the events. Is there anything you could have done, on the basis of what you knew or could have known at the time, that would have led to a more favorable outcome? State your reasoning. Dr.Jerrold could have utilized a better interpersonal communication skill. Had she made clear that she was going to hire Simon Fester and taken into consideration Bob Knowltons personality, explaining her intentions to train him to lead another project, things might have worked out very differently. Knowlton could have been less insecure regarding his position and would probably been more willing to overlook Festers lone ranger tendencies. Had Dr. Jerrold utilized interpersonal communication with Simon Fester as well, ensuring that Fester should try to work under the conditions laid out by his team leader, Fester might have better understood where he stood within the team and made more of an effort to be a team player as intelligent or talented as he may be. Dr. Jerrold could have also been more involved with the meetings, and taken an initiative to ensure that all employees were happy and satisfied.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Psychological Factors In Diabetes Mellitus Health And Social Care Essay

Psychological Factors In Diabetes Mellitus Health And Social Care Essay Health psychology is a topical development in the integration of biomedical and social sciences in health care. It addresses the role of psychological factors in the cause, progression, and outcome of health and illness (Ogden, 2007). Psychological theories can guide health education and promotion, and offer the health care practitioner a structured approach to understanding and meeting the health needs of health and social care service users (Morrison and Bennett, 2009). The appraisal of health psychology models can assist practitioners in evaluating their contribution to service users understanding of health, behaviours relating to health and the practice of health care. Appraisal and evaluation enable health care workers to apply psychological models and theories when analysing aspects of health and behaviour relevant to practice (Marks et al, 2005). Health psychology is concerned primarily with intrinsic factors, especially individual perceptions of health-related behaviour. Health behaviour, defined as behaviour related to health status, is becoming increasingly important. Public health policy has increased the emphasis on individual responsibility and choice and because of this; there is a corresponding need to improve understanding of individual motivations that affect those choices and health-related behaviours (Marks et al, 2005). The health behaviours studied by psychologists are varied, but the most commonly studied health behaviours have immediate or long-term implications for individual health, and are partially within the control of the individual (Ogden, 2007). Type 2 diabetes, formerly known as non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus, is a serious and progressive disease. It is chronic in nature and has no known cure. It is the fourth most common cause of death in most developed countries (UK Prospective Diabetes Study Group, 1998a). Although no exact figures are available, it has been suggested that by the year 2010 there would be 3.5 million people with diabetes in the United Kingdom (UK). However, approximately 750,000 of the estimated number may be undiagnosed (Diabetes UK, 2008a). Diabetes UK campaigns to raise awareness of type 2 diabetes because if left undiagnosed, the condition can result in long-term complications such as retinopathy, nephropathy, neuropathy, and an increased risk of myocardial infarction and stroke. The total number of people with diabetes has increased by 75% over the last six years and the incidence in the UK is escalating at a faster rate than in the United States (Gonzà ¡lez et al, 2009). There is a higher incidence of type 2 diabetes in people with South Asian or African descent (Department of Health, 2007). One of the reasons for this is thought to be that these ethnic groups have increased insulin resistance. Signs of type 2 diabetes are already present in UK children of South Asian and African-Caribbean origin at ten years of age, according to research funded jointly by the British Heart Foundation and the Wellcome Trust (Whincup et al, 2010). The prevalence of type 2 diabetes increases with age to as much as one in ten in those aged 65 years. The lifetime risk of developing the condition in the UK is greater than 10% (Leese, 1991). Diabetes-related complications can have a major effect on the individual and family members, and are costly to the patient. A study undertaken by Bottomley (2001) examined the costs of living of patients with diabetes complications, including taking time off work and transport costs for hospital appointments. The study showed that the cost of treating someone with type 2 diabetes with microvascular and macrovascular complications was  £5,132 compared to  £920 for someone who does not have diabetes-related complications (Bottomley 2001). This also has implications for the National Health Service (NHS) in terms of the financial burden of managing and treating the condition and the use of resources. It has been estimated that the cost of treating diabetes nationally adds up to approximately 9% of the NHS annual budget, although most of that is used to treat associated long-term complications, such as kidney failure, blindness, amputations and organ transplantation, rather than the provision of medication (Bottomley, 2001). With regard to type 2 diabetes, psychological theories and models have a long history of informing attempts to change behaviour and improve emotional well-being. Over recent years, many clinical guidelines in the UK by the National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE) have included recommendations for psychological interventions for long-term conditions. Evidence-based recommendations have been made not only for the treatment of associated mental health problems such as depression and anxiety (NICE, 2009; NICE, 2004) but also for physical health conditions such as obesity (NICE, 2007) and changing behaviour related to public health issues such as smoking and lack of exercise (NICE; 2007). The aim of this essay is to explore the psychological implications for a person suffering from type 2 diabetes and others involved in the experience of that illness. Type 2 diabetes, is caused as the result of reduced secretion of insulin and to peripheral resistance to the action of insulin; that is, the insulin in the body does not have its usual biological effect. It can often be controlled by diet and exercise when first diagnosed, but many patients require oral hypoglycaemic agents or insulin in order to maintain satisfactory glycaemic control and prevent the complications of diabetes (Diabetes UK, 2008a). To reduce the risk of long-term complications, both macrovascular and microvascular, people with type 2 diabetes need access to appropriate, individualised education, which informs them about the risks associated with the condition. Information relating to lifestyle changes such as healthy eating, increasing activity levels, and smoking cessation are vital (Diabetes UK, 2008a). Some people accept their diagnosis of diabetes and all that this means, and manage to adapt to their new lifestyle, but others find it difficult. Changes will need to be made to the type of food they eat, the amount they eat of particular foods and perhaps to the time at which they eat their meals. As a consequence of the required changes to lifestyle, it is not surprising that many people need some professional psychological support (Diabetes UK, 2008a). Diabetes may have an impact on peoples careers, driving, and insurance policies (life, driving, and travel). Difficulties surrounding holidays, work or travel abroad may prove insurmountable without support. People with diabetes who are also caring for others, for example children or elderly relatives, may find it very difficult to put themselves first (Diabetes UK, 2008a). Some people who have been diagnosed as having diabetes feel that they have been condemned to a life where everything has to be planned. There are, however, support networks available. For example Diabetes UK, a charity that supports people with diabetes, their families and the health professionals who care for them, has local and regional branches where people can meet and discuss problems and learn from each other how they manage their day-to-day-life (Diabetes UK, 2008a). The majority of people with type 2 diabetes are insulin resistant. Obesity exacerbates insulin resistance. As many as 80% of people with type 2 diabetes are obese at the time of diagnosis (Marks, 1996). Weight loss not only improves insulin resistance, but also lowers blood glucose, lipid levels, and blood pressure. Cardiovascular disease is often present in people with type 2 diabetes. The presence of insulin resistance accelerates atherosclerosis, leading to macrovascular complications such as myocardial infarction, stroke, and peripheral vascular disease. The mechanisms responsible for this are thought to be hyperinsulinaemia, dyslipidaemia and hypertension (Garber, 1998). However, microvascular problems such as retinopathy, nephropathy, and neuropathy still occur. The mechanism responsible is thought to be hyperglycaemia (Garber, 1998). Therefore, good blood glucose control is of crucial importance. Although the prognosis for people with type 2 diabetes mellitus is less than favourable, evidence has shown that making major lifestyle changes, such as having a healthy diet, smoking cessation, and increasing activity levels, can reduce the risk of long-term complications (UK Prospective Diabetes Study Group, 1998a). However, using the threat of long-term complications as a means of inducing lifestyle or behaviour changes has not proved to have any prolonged beneficial effect (Polonsky, 1999). Continued support and appropriate education is required to empower individuals to take charge of their condition and make appropriate and timely therapeutic decisions. The healthcare professional and the individual must decide on the most appropriate treatment regimen to provide optimum care and the best medical outcome (Marks et al, 2005). NICE published a document in 2008 entitled CG66: Type 2 diabetes which recommended that all people with diabetes should be offered structured education, pr ovided by a trained specialist team of healthcare professionals (NICE, 2008). The utilisation of theoretical health psychology models can assist these specialist team practitioner in empowering individuals with type 2 diabetes to contemplate and instigate the changes in lifestyle behaviours such as smoking, lack of exercise and unhealthy eating habits that have adverse consequences on long-term health outcomes. With regard to health psychology, as previously mentioned, health psychology is concerned primarily with intrinsic factors, especially individual perceptions of health-related behaviour. Attributing health-related behaviours to internal or external factors has been discussed in relation to the concept of a health locus of control. Individuals differ as to whether they regard events as controllable by them (an internal locus of control) or uncontrollable by them (an external locus of control) (Ogden, 2007). Accessing diabetes related health services for testing or treatment could be viewed from either perspective. The healthcare professional is perceived to be a powerful individual who can diagnose and treat diabetes (external); however, by accessing services the individual is taking responsibility for determining their own health status (internal). It is useful for the healthcare practitioner to consider that in attending diabetic health services the individual has made an initial st ep in taking control of their own health needs (Marks et al, 2005). Individuals with an internal locus of control are more likely to act in concordance with advice from a health professional than those with an external locus of control (Ogden, 2007). Knowing this can assist practitioners in their communication style with individuals who have type 2 diabetes. Identifying the specific needs of the individual, by understanding their locus of control, can help the healthcare practitioner to tailor the assessment (Marks et al, 2005). When an individual has a sense of responsibility for actions or behaviours that exposed them to a potential risk of diabetic complications, the practitioner can work on exploring the circumstances that surrounded those behaviours. The individual may already feel motivated to change these circumstances. In the case of a client who does not recognise that their own behaviour or actions were a contributory factor in posing a risk of behaviour related complications, the practitioner should focus on developing the individuals leve l of awareness to shift their locus of control from the external to the internal. For example, the individual who perceives that taking responsibility for healthy eating use is always that of their partner (Ogden, 2007). Self-management for chronic illnesses such as type 2 diabetes requires adherence to treatment regimens and behavioural change, as well as the acquisition of new coping strategies, because symptoms have a great effect on many areas of life (Glasgow, 1991; Kravitz et al, 1993). For many individuals, optimum self-management is often difficult to achieve, as indicated by poor rates of adherence to treatment, reduced quality of life, and poor psychological wellbeing, effects that are frequently reported in several chronic illnesses (Rubin and Peyrot, 1999). Self-management interventions aim to enable individuals to take control of their condition and be actively involved in management and treatment choices. In the 1980s, psychological theory was applied to develop theoretical models and their constructs have had a particular effect on the development of self-management interventions. The Health Belief Model (Becker 1974) defines two related appraisal processes undertaken by the healthcare practitioner in partnership with an individual: the threat of illness and the behavioural response to that threat. Threat appraisal involves consideration of the individuals perceived susceptibility to an illness and its anticipated severity. Behavioural response involves considering the costs and benefits of engaging in behaviours likely to reduce the threat of disease. It can be useful for the healthcare practitioner to establish the clients perception of risk and implications of their adverse health behaviours when discussing the reasons for healthy eating, increasing exercise, and smoking cessation. It is also important to discuss the likely impact of diabetes on the individuals lifestyle and behaviour (Marks et al, 2005). The Health Belief Model can be applied to evaluate the risk of lifestyle changes. The healthcare professional can initiate structured discussion with the individual to identify their educational needs, particularly around developing a realistic understanding of risk factors associated with diabetes and unhealthy eating habits, lack of exercise and smoking. It is important for the healthcare practitioner to discuss the efficacy of changes in the above in prevention of diabetic complications, while discussing other methods of behaviour modification in context (Marks et al, 2005). It is also important to establish that the individual feels confident in the practicalities of and behavioural change. Therefore, the healthcare practitioner must support the diabetic in behaviour change by giving practical health education advice on the issues of healthy eating, the benefits of exercise and the importance of giving up smoking (Marks et al, 2005). The Protection Motivation Theory (Rogers 1975, 1983) expands the Health Belief Model to include four components that predict behavioural intentions to improve health-related behaviour, or intention to modify behaviour. These include self-efficacy, responsive effectiveness, severity, and vulnerability. In social cognitive theory, behaviour is thought to be affected by expectations, with individuals confidence in their ability to perform a given behaviour (self-efficacy) particularly important (Bandura, 1992). Therefore, self-efficacy can be said to be the belief in ones ability to control personal actions (Bandura, 1992), and is comparable with the concept of internal locus of control. It is based on past experience and evokes behaviour concordant with an individuals capabilities. Self-efficacy is distinct from unrealistic optimism and does not elicit unreasonable risk-taking (Ogden, 2007). Within the context of smoking and diabetes, an example of self-efficacy might be, I am confiden t that I can take responsibility for protecting myself from increasing the risk of further complications by giving up smoking. This concept has been used in self-management interventions through the teaching of skills, such as problem solving and goal setting, to increase self-efficacy. Again, in type 2 diabetes, this could mean the acquisition of knowledge relating to healthy eating principles and putting that knowledge into practice by avoiding foods that would make the blood glucose rise quickly. The goal would be to incorporate this behaviour into daily life on a long-term basis (Marks et al, 2005). Behavioural intention can also be predicted by severity, for example: Diabetes will have serious implications for my health and lifestyle, but conversely, Good blood glucose control will decrease the risk of diabetic complications. The fourth predictor of behavioural intention is vulnerability, which in the context of diabetes may be the likelihood of cardiovascular disease or diabetic retinopathy occurring. Rogers (1983) later suggested a fifth component of fear in response to education or information as a predictor of behavioural intention. The concepts of severity, vulnerability, and fear outlined in Protection Motivation Theory relate to the concept of threat appraisal, as discussed in the context of the Health Belief Model. Self-efficacy and response effectiveness, on the other hand, relate to the individuals coping response, which is the behaviour intention. If a person has self-efficacy and perceives benefits in taking control of their actions (response effectiveness), they are likely to have the intention to modify their behaviour to reduce health risks (Ogden, 2007). Information or education that influences an individuals emotional response can be environmental (external influence, such as advice from a health professional), or interpersonal (relating directly to past experience). Information and education contribute to an individuals self-efficacy. This in turn helps develop a robust internal locus of control and will inform and/or contribute to the individuals coping response (Marks et al, 2005). The coping res ponse is considered to be adaptive (positive behavioural intention) or maladaptive (avoidance or denial). Assessment of the individuals capacity to understand and apply information and to have an adaptive response is a vital skill of the health professional. A maladaptive coping response, such as the denial of identified risk factors, has potentially serious consequences for the health of the individual (Marks et al, 2005). Successful implementation of the Protection Motivation Model can enable informed choice and empower the individual to take personal responsibility and control of behaviours influencing their health (Morrison and Bennett, 2009). Skilled questioning and the use of checking skills by the healthcare professional following information-giving are important to evaluate the benefit, if any, to the individual with diabetes (Ogden, 2007). Readiness to change is a concept derived from Prochaska and DiClementes (1983) transtheoretical model. It refers to how prepared or ready individuals are to make changes to their behaviour. Interventions guided by this theory focus on individuals motivation to change and the approach is adapted according to differences in participants motivation to change behaviour. Success is achieved only when the individual is ready to take on the actions needed to change behaviour. An individual may know that smoking and type 2 diabetes are not a good combination. However, unless the person is ready to quit smoking, no amount of discussion with a healthcare professional will change the persons decision to continue smoking. Establishing an internal motivator is a good first step to assessing an individuals readiness to change, however, an individual also needs to feel that the time is right and that they are prepared to change. Readiness to change can be assessed by asking individuals, as soon as the potential problem is identified, whether they have ever attempted to change the behaviour before. Six stages of change were identified in Prochaska and DiClementes (1983) Transtheoretical model of behaviour change: Pre-contemplation; Contemplation; Preparation; Action; Maintenance and Relapse. Most people (around 60%) will be at the pre-contemplation stage when they are identified by the healthcare practitioner and will generally react in a closed way to the idea of change (Prochaska and Goldstein, 1991). They may be rebellious to the idea, they may rationalise their current behaviour or be resigned to it, or they may be reluctant to consider the possibility of change (Prochaska and Goldstein, 1991). In this situation, it is tempting to push people into making an attempt at behaviour change using their health as a motivator or by making them feel guilty. However, this is likely to prompt the individual to either lie about their behaviour or avoid the nurse completely. During the contemplation phase, it is suggested that individuals who are starting to consider change look for information about their current and proposed behaviours, and analyse the risks involved in changing or maintaining their current behaviour. The most appropriate action is to ask the individual to form alise the analytical process by undertaking a decisional balance exercise (Health Education Authority (HEA), 1996). In this exercise the person is asked to consider the positive and negative implications of maintaining or changing their behaviour. The individual then decides whether maintaining or changing the behaviour will give them increased positive outcomes, and if they are willing to attempt the change. To be at the preparation stage, individuals need to believe that their behaviour is causing a problem, that their health or wellbeing will improve if they change the behaviour, and that they have a good chance of success (Prochaska and Goldstein, 1991). Once the healthcare practitioner establishes that the individual has an internal motivator and is ready to make an attempt at behaviour change, a supportive treatment plan is needed. Individuals who are in the process of behaviour change, or who have achieved and are maintaining the new behaviour, need help to avoid relapse (Pro chaska and Goldstein, 1991). The most effective way to do this is to ask the individual to reflect on their experiences so far. Apart from taking into account the management behavioural change for those with type 2 diabetes, it is also of vital importance that there is a consideration the emotional impact of a diabetes diagnosis and living with the condition. How patients feel when presented with the diagnosis of a chronic illness such as diabetes can have an enormous impact on their lives, and on their ability to make emotional adjustments to the disease itself (Marks et al, 2005). Research has found that that the diagnosis of a chronic illness can have a strong emotional impact on individuals, with reactions of grief, denial and depression. The emotional aspects of developing and coping with diabetes can affect overall control of the disease profoundly. Similarly, these feeling may form a barrier to effective listening and learning during the consultation process and any future self-management strategies. Therefore, it is proposed that this should be taken into consideration when developing educational prog rammes and protocols for people with diabetes (Thoolen et al, 2008). Coping and adapting to a long-term chronic illness is a major theme in health psychology (Ogden, 2007). Leventhal Nerenz (1985) propose that individuals have their own common sense beliefs about their illness. These include identity: diagnosis (diabetes) and symptoms (elevated blood sugar levels, excessive hunger and excessive thirst). Perceived cause of illness: stress, a virus, unhealthy lifestyle. Time line: acute or chronic. Consequences: physical (pain, mobility problems) and emotional (lack of social contact, anxiety). Cure and control: for example by taking medication or getting plenty of rest. With regard to adapting to an illness such as diabetes, the stress coping model of Lazarus and Folkman (1984) Transactional model of stress is the concept that is most widely utilised. The model suggests that there are key factors in adaptation to chronic illness, disease-specific coping efforts, changes in illness representation over time, interaction between psychological reality of disease and affective response, procedures for coping with the disease and interaction with context. The stress coping model (Lazarus and Folkman, 1984) emphasises the value of coping strategies to deal with a particular condition. Self-management strategies based on this model attempt to improve the individuals coping strategies. In type 2 diabetes, people are faced with the prospect of long-term complications caused by the condition. If people are aware of these possibilities and also that successful treatment is, available it makes a diagnosis of such problems less daunting. However, there are limitations to this model. It is debated that it is a frame of reference, not a theory that ignores specific features of the illness. The situation dimension poorly represented and it is not specific. The model also neglects interactions with context (e.g. social support, other life events) and offers no account of life goals on illness representation and coping (Ogden, 2007). It is of vital importance that stress is controlled and managed in an individual with type 2 diabetes. Research has shown a link between stress as a causal factor and that stress has been found to be a factor in regulation of blood glucose regulation. Sepa et al (2005) found that family stress has a significant impact on the and development of diabetes among infants. With regard to stress and metabolic control, research has found that stressful life events predict poor glucose control. In a study by Surwit et al, (2002) the management of stress was found to improve glucose control. Therefore, it is posited that the impact of stress can affect diabetes adversely and any interventions to manage stress may be a worthwhile component of diabetes education programs. An additional influence on coping and adapting to living with diabetes and the development of self-management strategies has come from clinical psychology, particularly Cognitive Behavioural Therapies (CBT). Central to these therapies is the importance of attempting to change how people think about their illness and themselves, and how their thoughts affect their behaviour. Depression is one of the most common psychological problems among individuals with diabetes, and is associated with worse treatment adherence and clinical outcomes (Gonzalez et al, 2010). A randomised controlled trial (RCT) undertaken by Lustman et al, (2008) found that the percentage of patients achieving remission of depression was greater in the CBT group than in the control group. Although the research found that there was no difference in the mean glycosylated haemoglobin levels of the groups post-treatment, follow-up mean glycosylated haemoglobin levels were significantly better in the CBT group than in the control group. Therefore, it is debated that the combination of CBT and supportive diabetes education is an effective non-pharmacologic treatment for major depression in patients with type 2 diabetes. It may also be associated with improved glycaemic control. It is important to note however, that certain limitation apply to the above study that may have an effect on the findings. The generalizability of the findings is uncertain. The study was limited to a relatively small number of patients. Similarly, the follow-up interval was limited to the 6 months immediately after treatment. Likewise, the researcher cannot exclude the possibility that CBT and diabetes education interacted in a way that potentiated antidepressant effectiveness; analogous interactions may have occurred in many clinical trials. Further studies comparing CBT and diabetes education, individually and in combination, are needed to answer such questions and to see whether successful CBT alone is sufficient to produce glycaemic improvement. Correspondingly, it is worth noting that patients in the CBT group had education almost a full year longer than controls. The difference in education was not statistically significant, but the extra educational experience may have contributed to improved outcome in the CBT group. Finally, treatment was administered by a single psychologist experienced in the use of CBT. Whether treatment would be as effective when administered by other therapists is uncertain. For any person with type 2 diabetes to engage in any self-management strategy, good mental health is necessary. However, studies have shown reduced self-worth and/or anxiety in more than 40% of people with diabetes (Anderson et al, 2001). There are several possible reasons for this. Being diagnosed with diabetes immediately poses major concerns for the individual, including what the future holds in terms of health, finance, and family relationships. Although everyone deals with diagnosis differently, for some it can cause immediate stress, including feelings of shock or guilt. Some individuals may also be ashamed and want to keep the diagnosis a secret. Others may be relieved to know what is causing the symptoms they have been experiencing. An Audit Commission (2000) report acknowledged that: people with diabetes are more likely to suffer from clinical depression than those in the general population. The report then went on to specify that therefore, diabetes services should make exp licit provision for psychological support and should monitor the psychological outcomes of care. In conclusion, to be successful in changing behaviour to negate the complications of type 2 diabetes, individuals need to decide for themselves which behaviours are undesirable, that is, which behaviours could have negative health, financial, social or psychological implications. People with diabetes also need to feel that the negative impact of risky health behaviours will be reduced or altered if they change their behaviour. It is important that individuals have confidence in their ability to make and maintain behavioural changes. It is not the health practitioners role to make this judgement or impose his or her beliefs. To support behavioural change, healthcare professionals need to feel comfortable in discussing lifestyle behaviours. They also need to assess an individuals preparedness to make a change and identify the factors that motivate them to change. The application of health psychology models, such as the Health Belief Model, the Protection Motivation Theory and the Trans theoretical model of behaviour change, to the management process can enable healthcare practitioners to assess contributory factors to health behaviours. Applying models can also help to identify motivators and barriers to health-improving and health-protecting behaviours, and identify strategies which assist the person in behavioural change. The role of the healthcare professional is to enable individuals to make an informed choice by working in partnership with them to decide when and if behaviour change is desirable. By understanding how an individual copes and adapts to living with a long-term condition such as diabetes can assist in empowering individuals to managed stress that appears to have a negative impact on blood glucose levels. Correspondingly, the use of CBT as a non-pharmacological treatment has been shown to improve depression that is often apparent in individuals with diabetes. Healthcare practioners caring for those with diabetes should be trained in the use of CBT .

Thursday, September 19, 2019

The Tibetan Family Essay -- Tibet Marriage Children Women Papers

The Tibetan Family Family life is the core element that defines the population of a country. It gives Identity to a group people by the way they carry out their day to day operations and the customs and ideals that are unique to that group of people. Family life can be difficult to define as it comprises so many elements; such as housing, education, gender roles, family size, health, education, and religion. These are all critical inputs that ultimately determine the situation in a family and how that group of people goes about their lives. There are no ‘typical’ Tibetan families; some are rich, some are poor, some are nomadic others are urban, some families live in Tibet but there are also a great number living in exile in other countries. They all have one thing in common though; every Tibetan family has been either directly or indirectly affected by the Chinese occupation. The Tibetan people have been forced to abandon their old methods and principles that defined who they were as a culture and now have to try to adapt to the new ones that have been forced upon them. This paper will examine the many ways in which Tibetan families have been directly and indirectly affected through examining the inherent components that define a Tibetan family, and how these have changed since the Chinese occupation. Family life in Tibet has changed forever and the Tibetans have been forced into a metamorphosis and restructuring of their family life to assume a new form. It looks as though their former heritage is likely to be lost forever. Defining a ‘typical’ Tibetan family is a near impossible task because the structure and dynamics of every family are as unique as the individuals that comprise them. I will begin by first examinin... ...Dec 28 1994, [14] Free Tibet Campaign, 11/18/03, [15] Free Tibet Campaign, 11/18/03, [16] Victor Mansfield, Oral Statement, Colgate University, 2003 [17] Households and Women in Tibetan Pastoral Region, Chinese Sociology and Anthropology, vol. 35, no. 2, pg 4 [18] Households and Women in Tibetan Pastoral Region, Chinese Sociology and Anthropology, vol. 35, no. 2, pg 4 [19] The Making of Modern Tibet, A. Tom Grunfeld 1987, pg 18 [20] Households and Women in Tibetan Pastoral Region, Chinese Sociology and Anthropology, vol. 35, no. 2, pg 5 [21] The Making of Modern Tibet, A. Tom Grunfeld 1987, pg 16 [22] Immigrant Tibetan Children in US Schools: An Invisible Minority Group, Nawang Phuntsog [23] Ibid

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

World Bank Report & World Development Report Essay example -- essays r

Starting from the year 1990, the international community has set up plans to eliminate poverty in the world by the year 2015 with a set of specific goals to be achieved by that date. These goals were set up according to the studies done beforehand, that showed where and what the major poverty areas and problems in the world were. These studies explained that although the poverty problem was extensive, there were several factors of which the crisis was mainly constituted. The first problem was extreme income poverty, with almost half the world's population living on less than $2 a day, and a fifth living on less than $1 daily. Another major problem was education, which encompassed many aspects. Not only wasn't primary education compulsory in many regions, but there were also problems regarding women getting equal education to men, due to cultural, social and economic barriers. The third main problem area was health, where child mortality rates, for example, were alarming; 'in rich countries fewer than 1 child in 100 does not reach its fifth birthday, while in the poorest countries as many as a fifth of the children do not'. After getting these goals in focus and setting these plans in motion, it was discovered that they weren't going as well as planned. It was found that the goals were pretty unrealistic compared to the conditions and the time period. For example, one of the goals was 'cutting income poverty by half'. This could only be achieved, if income poverty decreased by 2.7% annually between 1990 and 2015, which didn't happen, because studies showed that between 1990 and 1998, it decreased by only 1.7% annually. This failure to achieve the objectives was mainly because of the inequality of the world; inequality in distribution of income, inequality in cultural and religious conditions, inequality in practically too many facets of life to be able to control or conform to a generalized plan. So, from the outcome of this attempt and from going back to the reports of previous decades, a new strategy to eliminate poverty was laid out, based on three fundamental interrelated concepts that could be adapted to each community differently according to its individual conditions. These concepts are promoting opportunity, facilitating empowerment, and enhancing security. In promoting opportunity, the government plays an important role, in making it easy for ... ...le, it says that the governments have to improve their facilities and services, like health, education and infrastructure, so as to give the poor equal opportunities. In the WBR, on the other hand, it says that in needy countries, the World Bank actually finances and funds their infrastructure and educational programs. In the WBR it mentions many different things of this sort, while in the WDR it only clarifies the plan that should be adopted by the countries. Another difference is that in the WBR it is sort of dealing with clients that it wants to please and to better its performance for, and that its plan for reducing poverty, is only part of what it does, in order to reach this goal. The WDR was dealing with the poverty problem only, so I think it sounded more involved in it and more giving in attention to this problem only, using greater detail. I think that for the general public, the WDR is much easier laid out and written, with sufficient background information, plenty of detail and a more humanitarian side of the issue. The WBR is much more disordered, financially oriented, with much greater monetary detail and not much emphasis on the compassionate side of the problem.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Criminal Administrator’s Responsibilities

Administrative functions and responsibilities cover a wide spectrum of concerns relating to workers’ employee rights. Corollary, the basic rights of employees guaranteed by the constitution and other statutes underlie the duties and responsibilities of a criminal justice administrator. With regards to drug testing, the criminal justice administrator should establish guidelines clarifying purposes and procedures governing the testing for drugs and alcohol based on reasonableness of purpose and scope, or when there is a special need that outweighs the individual's privacy interest (The National Worksrights Institute). The administrator should therefore institute a written policy which identifies the specific positions subject to testing, the manner in which the testing will be administered, the right of an employee to refuse to be tested and the consequences of refusing, the disciplinary or other action which may result from a test, and the rights of a person with respect to retesting and appeal. Relating to privacy rights, the criminal justice administrator should see to it that clear guidelines are in place to respect an employee’s reasonable expectation of privacy in his desk, file cabinets, and office, and enforce procedures in making reasonable intrusions into those zones of privacy (O'Connor v. Ortega, 107 S. Ct. 1492, 1987). In this modern era of digital technology, the criminal justice administrator must establish policies and protocols including proper monitoring practices to respect the privacy rights of employees. You can read also King v Cogdon The administrator should ensure that mechanisms are in place to provide clear written notification of their right and intent to randomly monitor, read and intercept data from workplace computer networks and terminals (The Electronic Communications Privacy Act of 1986). Additionally, the administrator must issue guidelines to ensure confidentiality of medical information and all medical data related to the employee’s health, diagnosis and treatment of illness or any information revealed during medical consultations (American with Disabilities Act of 1990). With regards to sexual harassment issues, the administrator must take all steps necessary to prevent sexual harassment from occurring, such as affirmatively raising the subject, expressing strong disapproval, developing appropriate sanctions, informing employees of their right to raise and how to raise the issue of harassment and developing methods to sensitize all concerned. As such, the administrator must implement an effective sexual harassment preventive program founded on an explicit policy against sexual harassment that is clearly and regularly communicated to employees and effectively implemented. The administrator should see to it that a procedure for resolving sexual harassment complaints and to encourage victims to file complaints is in place. Thus, the administrator should take immediate and appropriate corrective action by doing whatever is necessary to end the harassment, make the victim whole by restoring lost employment benefits or opportunities, and prevent the misconduct from recurring. (U. S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, 1990). Concerning disability issues, the criminal justice administrator should formulate policies and guidelines that shall not discriminate against a qualified individual with a disability because of the disability of such individual in regard to â€Å"job application procedures, the hiring, advancement, or discharge of employees, employee compensation, job training, and other terms, conditions, and privileges of employment†. (Americans With Disabilities Act of 1990, Section 102). As such, he must impose standards, criteria, or methods of administration or administrative control that respect the rights of persons with disabilities.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Ankle Sprains And Injuries Health And Social Care Essay

Ankle is a complex articulation which is categorized as a flexible joint joint.It is one of the of import constituent for ambulation in humans.Ankle sprains are one of the commonest hurts in athletics.It histories for 20 % of all athleticss hurts ( Bergfeld J ; 2004 ) .In India, incidence rate of mortise joint sprain histories for 0.31 % of the population ( Statistics for ankle sprain ; 2003 ) .The opportunities of re-injury is seen high as 78-80 % despite the continued research in this field. The pathomechanics for ankle inversion hurt is inversion and plantar flexure of the mortise joint joint.There is loss of scope which is attributed to trouble and swelling ( Denegar CR et Al ; 2002 ) , ( Collins et Al ; 2004 ) .Talocrural articulation is primary responsible for the dorsiflexion and plantar flexure motion. The conventional intervention for acute mortise joint sprain is RICE ( remainder, ice, compaction, lift ) .The conventional intervention with early gesture is suggested to be more effectual for bettering hurting, swelling and mobility ( dettori et Al ; 1994 ) .This shows that the opportunities of re-injury is high because of the ineffectualness of conventional intervention for handling the positional disfunction caused due to acute ankle inversion hurt which makes the joint for susceptible to injury ( Denegar et al,1994 ) . Manual Therapy focal point on the rectification of the postural and motion disfunction due to ankle sprain This method of intercession includes Maitland classs of mobilisation, it is stated that Maitland classs of mobilisation improves the ankle dorsiflexion ( green T et Al ; 2001 ) . .Mulligan ‘s mobilisation with motion technique is stated to be effectual in cut downing hurting and improves dorsiflexion of ankle articulation ( Collins et Al ; 2004 ) . This survey was conducted on topics with subacute mortise joint sprain. The surveies done on Mulligan ‘s mobilisation with motion technique in acute mortise joint sprain are really rare one of the survey done is the consequence of Mulligan ‘s mobilisation with motion for the intervention of acute sidelong mortise joint sprain ( T O Brien, B.Vincenzino ; 1998 ) .The survey showed betterment in scope of gesture and functional result and decrease in hurting. However the design of this survey was individual instance surv ey design taking to restrictions of generalisation of its findings consequence of Mulligan ‘s mobilisation with motion technique on temporal and spacial parametric quantities of pace showed restrictions in survey design, sample design and statistical analysis ( John-Mark Chesney, Erin Morris ) The demand for survey arises due to the restriction of the old surveies done on the intervention of acute mortise joint sprain y Mulligan ‘s mobilisation technique with motion. Hence the purpose of the survey is to happen the consequence of Mulligan ‘s anterior-to-posterior talar mobilisation with motion technique in acute ankle inversion sprain and compare the consequences with consequence of Maitland classs of mobilisation for intervention of acute ankle inversion sprain. Reappraisal of literature. The reappraisal of literature focal points on following subjects. 1. Anatomy of mortise joint and pathomechanics of inversion hurts. 2. Hazard factors of hurt. 3. Conventional Management of mortise joint sprain. 4. Manual therapy to ankle inversion sprain. Anatomy of mortise joint and Pathomechanics of ankle hurts. Ankle articulation is a complex articulation due to its articles, ligamentous and sinewy anatomy. The anterior talofibular ligament restricts anterior interlingual rendition and internal rotary motion of talus inside the mortice. The conjugate gesture during plantar flexure happens as internal rotary motion and anterior interlingual rendition of scree aided by deltoid ligament. The calcaneofibular ligament restricts inversion of the talocrural and subtalar articulation. The posterior talofibular ligament restricts inversion and internal rotary motion after calcaneofibular ligament and anterior talofibular ligament undergo hurt. Konradsen and Voight ( 2002 ) quoted that an inversion torsion was produced on lading a cadaverous leg, when the unloaded pes was positioned in 30 degree inversion, full plantar flexure and 10 degree internal tibial rotary motion. They besides stated that hit with 20 grade upside-down pes in swing stage follow through forced the pes into full bound of inversion, plantar flexure and internal tibial rotary motion. Denegar CR et Al ( 2002 ) stated that in normal biomechanics the instantaneous axis of rotary motion of talocrural articulation translates posteriorly during dorsiflexion, but in anterior malaligned scree or with restricted posterior talar semivowel the axis of rotary motion is shifted anteriorly taking to joint disfunction. Hazard factors of hurt Assorted hazard factors, both intrinsic and extrinsic have been attributed to predispose to inversion hurt and re-injury. Baumhauer JF et Al ( 1995 ) stated that intrinsic factors like old history of sprain, limited scope of gesture and decreased dorsiflexor and plantar flexor strength ratio, elevated eversion to inversion ratio have been attributed to predisposing to inversion hurt. Eren OT et al 92003 ) stated that high malleolar index ( posteriorly positioned calf bone ) is attributed to predispose to twist. Average malleolar index was +11.5 grade in topics with ankle sprain and +5.85 degree in normal controls. Conventional direction of mortise joint sprain. The conventional direction of mortise joint sprain is initiated to RICE in acute phase of injury functional intervention processs with early induction of weight bearing as tolerated, early mobilisation, proprioceptive preparation, balance preparation has been advocated to supply early functional rehabilitation to topics. The direction of sprain dressed ores on inactive and dynamic stableness, deriving normal ankle scope of gesture, optimum strength of peroneal, dorsiflexor, plantar flexor, invertor musculuss of mortise joint, retraining mortise joint scheme ( Bahr R, 2004 ) Bruce Beynnon B et Al, 2004 ) Kerkhoffs et al 2002 ) stated that functional intervention is superior to immobilisation and surgical intercession in countries of hurting on activity, quality of public presentation on return to sport/work, objectives instability on x-ray positions and patient satisfaction. Manual therapy in ankle inversion sprain. Green et Al ( 2001 ) conducted a randomized controlled test of a inactive accoutrement joint mobilisation on acute ankle inversion sprains. 38 topics with acute mortise joint sprain ( & A ; lt ; 72 hours ) were indiscriminately assigned to command ( RICE ) or AP mobilisation plus RICE. All had home plan. Treatment every 2 yearss for maximal 2 hebdomads was given. Consequences showed dorsiflexion is proved earlier in intervention group ( 11 grade compared to 6 grade from baseline to intervention 2 ) . This showed that talar anterior-posterior semivowel speeds up recovery rate. Collins N et Al ( 2004 ) conducted a double-blind randomized controlled test which incorporated perennial steps into cross over design. 14 topics with grade II mortise joint sprain ( 40 +/- 24 yearss old ) Dorsiflexion in weight bearing, thermic hurting threshold were calculated. 3 intervention status. Mulligan ‘s mobilisation with motion for dorsiflexion. Placebo No- intervention control were studied. The consequences showed that talar anterior-posterior semivowel speeds up recovery rate in intervention with Mulligan ‘s mobilisation with motion. The survey conducted was done on topics with subacute mortise joint sprain merely. T O'Brien, B. Vincenzino ( 1998 ) conducted individual instance survey to look into the effects of motion intervention technique for sidelong mortise joint sprain. The technique was the posterior semivowel to distal fibular while patient actively inverted the mortise joint. Outcome steps used Modified Kaikkonen trial. Scope of Dorsiflexion and Inversion VAS for hurting and maps. Two topics with acute mortise joint sprain were used to command for natural declaration of mortise joint sprain. Capable I underwent ABAC protocol while capable II BABC protocol where A-no intervention stage, B-treatment stage, C-post intervention return to feature stage. Consequences showed the immediate effects of Mulligan mobilisation with motion technique on acute sidelong sprain. Rapid betterment of ROM ( inversion and Dorsiflexion ) immediate lessening in hurting. Restrictions The survey design leads to restriction of generalisation of its findings. Therefore, from above surveies we can deduce that Mulligan ‘s mobilisation with motion technique has a ensuing consequence on mortise joint sprain. The above surveies besides suggest the immediate effects of Mulligan ‘s mobilisation with motion technique in intervention of mortise joint sprain. However, a few surveies have been conducted for the consequence of this technique on acute mortise joint sprain and the surveies which are done on ague mortise joint sprain have restriction in signifier of survey design, samples size, statistical analysis. The rudimentss of those findings consequence of Mulligan ‘s mobilisation with motion technique should be investigated in topics with acute mortise joint sprain. Research Proposal Question Does Mulligan ‘s anterior-to-posterior talar semivowel improves the dorsiflexion in topics with acute ankle inversion sprain. Alternate hypothesis. Mulligan ‘s anterior-to-posterior talar semivowel improves dorsiflexion in topics with acute ankle inversion sprain. Null hypothesis Mulligan ‘s anterior-to-posterior talar semivowel does non better dorsiflexion in topics with acute ankle inversion sprain.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Barriers to entry

In the theory of competition in the field of economics, barriers to entry refer to the obstacles that a firm faces in entering a certain market. Barriers to entry are made to block prospective competitors from entering a market valuably. These are designed to protect or secure the monopoly power of the present and existing firms in a market hence maintaining monopoly gains or profits in the long run.Barriers to entry are an incumbent firm’s source of pricing power since it gives a firm such capability to raise or increase their prices without losing their customers. There are many forms of barriers to entry into market. One of the more known and important barriers to entry are government regulations. Through such regulations entry in one’s market may be more difficult or even impossible. There are other extreme cases where the government make competition unlawful hence creating a statutory monopoly in the country.This type of barrier can be in the form of permits, licen ses or tariffs that in turn raises the investment required in entering a market thus establishing an efficient barrier to entry. Another type of barrier to entry is marketing or advertising. By spending greatly on advertising that new firms find difficult to do, present or incumbent firms, make it hard for new entrants to penetrate the market. Sunk cost, is another form of barrier to entry. Sunk costs are costs that a firm cannot recover once it decides to leave the industry.In turn, sunk costs strengthen the risk and discourage entry for new firms. Research and development can also be a barrier to entry in a market. Strong spending by one firm on its research and development can be a great restriction to potential competitors to a certain industry. Concentrated research by incumbent firms makes them more competitive in the industry thus giving them edge and structural advantage over prospective competitors. Barriers to entry indeed limit competition in an industry or market.There a re several more barriers to entry such as control of resources, distributor agreements, and economy of scale, investment, intellectual property, supplier agreements, predatory pricing, and a lot more. All of these are hindrances that new firms may encounter when trying to penetrate a market or industry. Works Cited Geroski, Paul. Barriers to Entry and Strategic Competition (Fundamentals of Pure and Applied Economics). New York: Routledge, 1990. Print.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Sumo Wrestling

Sumo wrestling is one of the oldest forms of martial arts in Japan, and it is still a major sport that is popular with both men and women there. In ancient times, sumo contests were held only in the courtyards of Shinto shrines as a religious ritual performed for the gods to encourage them to grant a good harvest. Ritual is, therefore, an important part of the sport. Before each match, contestants sprinkle salt on the ring and rinse their mouths in a ritual purification. Nowadays, sumo wrestling contests are held in gymnasiums, Convention centers and Stadiums. At first glance, sumo wrestling seems to be a strange sport with big, fat wrestlers wearing diaper-like aprons, shoving each other inside a tiny ring. Contrary to its appearance, sumo wrestling is a sport that requires not only strength, but also speed and agility, which heavy-set people usually do not possess. The wrestlers try to push each other out of the ring or down on the floor. Before actual physical contact, the wrestlers will stare at each other for minutes to break the concentration of the Opponent. The fight usually lasts for only a few seconds but sometimes it can go on for two to three minutes. The objective of a sumo bout, however, is not to injure the Opponent, but to simply eject the other man from the arena, or cause some part of the body other than his feet – or even a fingertip – to touch the floor. In fact, if some blood spots the floor of the ring during a match, the bout has to stop until every trace of blood has been meticulouslv removed. The size of the wrestler is also important. The heavier the wrestler, the lower his center of gravity, and thus the harder to toss him out of the ring. In order to put on weight and build up body mass, sumo wrestlers eat a large amount of food including a high-protein stew, and they go to bed right after eating. The heaviest sumo wrestler on record was 225 kilograms. Despite their large size and heavy weight, sumo wrestlers are well-trained athletes. They live in special sumo stables, following extremely strict rules and besides having their physical workouts, they have to complete other necessary chores. The wrestlers practise a lifestyle that is completely dedicated to the sport. To them, sumo is not only a sport; it is a whole way of life. This positive dedication has encouraged the Japanese to adopt them as role modeis. Hierarchy is a central aspect of sumo wrestling. Rankings depend on winning records. A sumo wrestler's ranking depends solely on the number of matches he wins during official tournaments. The more matches a wrestler wins, the quicker he can move up the rankings. Once a wrestler moves up to the top rank, he is not supposed to lose at all. He is expected to retire if he is unable to maintain his winning record. In fact, if a grand champion's losses outnumber his wins during the course of these tournaments, he will fall from the top ranks and will be expected to retire like the rest. Today's professional sumo wrestling has its roots in the Edo period. The wrestlers during this period were mainly samurais who needed an alternative form of income. Even the wrestling ring can be traced back to the 16th Century Edo period. In earlier times, the fighting space was simply the area given to the wrestlers by spectators. In the 16th Century, an important warlord named Oda Nobunaga introduced the ring in a tournament he organized. It is a platform 4. 5 meters in diameter and 16. 26 Square meters in area made of clay mixed with sand set on top of rice straw bales. Despite sumo wrestling's archaic rituals and traditions, the sport continues to draw new fans and growing international interest. Hundreds of sumo wrestlers of various nationalities compete to earn comfortable livelihoods, participating in ma tches not only in Japan, but in Europe, North America and Britain. Grand Champions attain celebrity Status and enjoy the intense adoration of dedicated fans. Present day sumo wrestlers consist of anybody who is interested in the sport and professional wrestlers come from all walks of life. Nevertheless, as a sport, sumo is not without controversy. It has been criticised as discriminatory since participants are limited to men only. There is a rule which prevents women from being sumo wrestlers and another which prohibits them from entering the wrestling ring altogether. These barriers exist because the Japanese believe women's presence in the ring will violate its purity. Sumo wrestling, being a religion-originated sport in which traditions are strictly observed, is unlikely to undergo drastic changes in the near future. It will probably be a long time before one can see a female sumo wrestler.

Coral Divers Resort Case Analysis Essay

Strategic Recommendation: What do you advise Coral Divers to do? Core divers Resort (CDR) should focus on making their current business operation more efficient by keeping an eye on operating costs and partnering with adventure resorts for customers who wants adventure diving. The company financials cannot support any expansion for family oriented resort with the company being over leveraged with little cash and liquidity. Secondly, this strategy has ease of implementation and provides a profit increase of 10% with little capital expenditure Also, Greywell has built a lifestyle around the Coral Divers Resort business and enjoys it with his family. Selling the resort with his little equity in the business will not provide enough money for him to start a new business in another location. Focusing on being more efficient is more profitable for the company as the industry is in its maturity phase with stiffer competition and readily available substitutes. What do you think Coral Divers would like to accomplish over the next 5 years? Coral Divers is experiencing declining revenues and unprofitability for the past three years. Other resorts that have been able to specialize in certain segments of the diving industry, Coral Divers have been unable to distinguish themselves from other resorts. Coral Divers Resort (CDR) is looking to differentiate itself from other resorts in the New Providence, Bahamas region. The company is looking for opportunities in the diving industry to find a unique niche and gain a competitive edge that will lead to an increase its revenues. Strengths The resort has a beachfront location, the rich resource of the ocean is within close proximity and have developed a good reputation as a quiet and safe resort which appeals to vacationers looking to get away from busy tourist resort hotels. The diving instructors in the resort are certified by PADI and NAUI. Weakness It is a family- run one-service business that is inefficiently operated. It is heavily leveraged making it difficult to get funding for further expansion while facing stiff competition. Opportunities There are opportunities in the diving industry to find a unique niche market (adventure diving, family oriented resort) for Coral Divers and gain a competitive edge that will lead to an increase in its revenues like providing additional service to customers eg picking and taking clients to the airport and other educational services about scuba diving which requires less capital expenditure. Threats The bleaching impact of climate change on coral reefs makes them to lose their beauty, making diving less attractive for divers. The recent surge in airfares and the changing demographics are potential could reduce the customer base of diving resorts. Current Ratio The current ratio of CDR shows that the company is not able to service its current obligations. The resort’s short –term assets cannot cover its current obligations of $88,476. However quick ratio value of CDR will provide a clearer indication of the company’s liquidity and success in meeting its obligations. Quick Ratio CDR quick ration of 0.1875 suggests that the company has a very low ability to service its maturing short- term obligations. This ratio is a more  reliable variation of the current ratio because inventory, prepaid expenses, and other less liquid current assets are removed from the calculation. In other words, it shows how CDR can quickly convert its assets to cash without a loss in value if necessary to meet its short-term obligations? The resort’s low quick ratio makes it difficult for the resort to meet creditors requirement and obtain further funds for future business expansion since they operate a business that does not provide a steady and predictable cash flow. Favorable liquidity ratios are critical to creditors within the resort’s industry. Return on Assets The negative return on CDR’s asset shows that the company’s asset is not used effectively to generate profit and shows the business is not profitable. However, the assets in the resort are highly depreciated which is unusual and it is affecting the return on assets. CDR should reduce its depreciation expense since the resort is not fully booked in the low rental seasons of the year. The resort’s return on assets of -5.75% indicates there is a need for improvement in this area to ensure the company can remain competitive and continue to operate successfully. Return on Equity The percent rate of return on equity for Coral Divers Resort is -87.04%, which indicates that there is absolutely no profits earned based on the owner’s investment in the resort and it would be harder getting a positive return when extra capital is added to the resort. Debt to Total Assets CDR debt to asset ratio of 0.934 indicates that the company can barely meet its long-term obligations, remain solvent, and avoid bankruptcy. This shows that the company can barely withstand more losses without harming creditor interests making it really difficult to obtain additional financing for expansion. Debt to Equity The debt to equity ratio for CDR is 14.12 show which that the company is  heavily leveraged and that most assets the resort has is financed by debt. This creates issues around controlling stake in the company when more debt is added to the company. On what basis do customers choose Coral Divers or competitors? Scuba diving trips to Bahamas tend to be luxury items and therefore it is more likely people would travel during good economic conditions, the amounts of disposable income people have and the weather condition. Are the driving forces causing demand for this service likely to increase or decrease? The driving forces are likely to increase in the future, there has been increase in the population of scuba divers in the last 20 years and the economy is recovering from the last meltdown. Are the driving forces acting to make competition more or less intense? The driving forces are making competition more intense. There are 26 officials diving operators in Bahamas with different program offerings. Most of the resorts are well known for their high quality services and the brand awareness and recognition is present between the groups of tourists who choose to dive in the Bahamas. The capacity and additional services offered by the hotels for additional revenues makes the competition even harder. Will the driving forces lead to higher or lower industry profitability? The driving forces has the potential of leading to greater industry profitability due to the increase in the number of active high paying divers. Does this industry offer good prospects for attractive profits? The profits of the industry is limited, there is higher competition, and the scuba diving industry entering into the maturity phase. Although there is some industry growth, the current marketing appeal of a diving resort is facing high competitions from other leisure alternatives. Sustainable Competitive Advantage Tests: Does this business have a resource that is valuable/rare? The resort has a beachfront location, the rich resource of the ocean that is within close proximity and have developed a good reputation as a quiet and safe resort which appeals to vacationers looking to get away from busy tourist resort hotels. The diving instructors in the resort are certified by PADI and NAUI. Is the resource competitively superior? The resource of Coral Divers is not competitively superior when compared to its competition. Do they have a resource that is hard to copy? Coral Divers resource is easy to copy as anybody with a nice location, boats and the necessary certification from PADI can start a resort. Can the resource be made obsolete by the different capabilities of competitors? With the emergence of different types of diving, CDR’s resource is been made obsolete due to non-distinguishing brand, adventure diving and family oriented resorts Is the firm organized to exploit its valuable, rare, costly to imitate resource? Coral Divers has failed to exploit its resource due to increasing cost, negative return on equity and three years of loss Do you think this company has a sustainable competitive advantage? The company does not have a sustainable competitive advantage and would face stiffer competition in the future. Other resorts that have been able to specialize in certain segments of the diving industry (adventure diving, family resort) and have been successful over the past years as the industry continue to grow. How intense is the rivalry of existing competitors for consumer dollars? The rivalry is really intense; the additional services offered by the hotels for additional revenues makes the competition even harder. How likely/easy would it be for new competitors to enter this market? Anybody  with a nice location, and the necessary certification from PADI can start a leisure resort. Do customers have a lot of competitors to choose from or very few? There are 26 officials diving operators in Bahamas with different program offerings. Most of the resorts are well known for their high quality services and the brand awareness and recognition is present between the groups of tourists Are there any firms in other industries offering suitable substitutes? There are several firms and industries offering substitute e.g. movie, sports, game etc. Porter Five Forces Analysis Supplier Power The supplier power is minimal, the business is service based and is vertically integrated. Degree of Rivalry There is high degree of rivalry and cost of competition in the diving industry leading to lower profitability Buyer Power Buyer power is high, there is low cost in comparing price and services of resorts. Service and amenities provision to customers is really important. Threats Of Substitutes There are several substitutes ranging vacation elsewhere to other leisure activities like sports, golfing, boating, skiing and other technology products e.g. video games, and movies. Threat Of New Entrants Although it is easy to open a resort, there is medium threat of new entrants due to high competition and the industry being in maturity phase.